
Making Your Content Work Harder

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workContent marketing is hugely cost efficient. And no, we don’t mean free. Content marketing only works with engaging, quality content, which absolutely costs money. But, when executed properly, you get a huge amount of bang for your buck.

Atomization of content is the key to making your content marketing budget go the extra mile. When you tweet about an awesome blog post, what are the chances that everyone you want to see that tweet will be on Twitter at the exact right moment to see it (or a retweet) among millions of other tweets? Virtually non-existent. But you also can’t send the same tweet out over and over. Atomization is breaking down that post into small pieces of unique content that all lead back to your original post without feeling repetitive.

The premise is simple but the execution is nuanced. For example, if your piece of content is an opinion piece tied to recent news, the timeline for rolling out your atomized content strategy may take place over the course of only a day or two. On the other hand, if your content is evergreen, you can have an atomization plan that takes place over the course of days, weeks or even months. In some cases, content can actually have legs for more than a year.

Content snippets also need to be tweaked depending on where they will appear. What works on Twitter doesn’t work on Facebook; what works on Facebook won’t resonate on LinkedIn. You also must consider the visual element of the content to take advantage of platforms like Pinterest and Instagram.

We see the same problem time and time again though. Small and mid-sized businesses are the folks who most need to squeeze this type of efficiency out their content marketing budgets, but they are also the companies that don’t have the in-house resources to efficiently and effectively atomize content.

There are two solutions here. (1) Dedicate the dollars to a social media manager with experience atomizing content (2) Work with a content firm that will provide social media headlines and recommended spacing along with each piece of content.

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